Privacy policy

Personal data collection

No personal data is collected without you being informed.

Contact form
Electronic messages containing your personal information (name, email address) are used with the sole purpose of meeting your needs.
The data are stored for one year.

Statistics and audience measurement
We use Google Analytics to collect information about your use of our website. We conduct these analyses to ensure the website adequately meets your needs and to help us continually improve it.

We do not collect your personal information (like your name, address…) in Google Analytics. Furthermore, we do not authorise Google to use or share our analysis data with other Google data.

Use and disclosure of your personal data

No personal information is given to third parties.

Data security

Our website holds an SSL certificate from OVH, and data exchanges are encrypted.

Our website is hosted by OVH, you can learn more about OVH’s safety policy here:

How we use cookies

Third-party services’ cookies call for a short explanation, as they require your consent. Our website uses 3 types of cookies:

Audience cookies / Access statistics:
In order to analyse the use of the website and improve the quality of its content, we use Google’s service Google Analytics.

The data collected through this service relate to the number of visits on the website, how the user landed on the website, pages viewed, the time spent on each page, as well as the user’s geolocation (country and city) using their IP address.

Only Google Analytics have access to these cookies, providing Priscilla Tours with fully anonymous audience data. No personal information (name or address for instance) is collected.

For more information on Google Analytics, please visit:

You can refuse Google Analytics’ cookies.

Names of the cookies in question: __utma, __utmb, __utmc, __utmt, __utmz

Technical / Operation cookies
Cookies are used by our website’s host OVH to ensure quality access to the website on a technical and network level, but also in terms of access to the servers. These technical cookies have no relation to the website’s content or the user’s behaviour on our website.

Names of the cookies in question: mediaplan, mediaplanBAK

Cookies for… cookie management
These cookies allow the website to display or not the cookie information banner.
Once you’ve clicked on “I agree”, this banner does not appear for one month.
After this time period, or if you haven’t yet clicked on “I agree”, or if you’ve deleted these cookies in your browser (see below), or if you’ve set up your browser so that cookies do not remain valid longer than an Internet session, the banner will continue to appear on each of your visits.

Names of the cookies in question: wordpress_test_cookie, viewed_cookie_policy

How to configure your cookie preferences

You can at any time refuse the installation of new cookies and/or delete the cookies already installed on your terminal by configuring your web browser. For that, we advise you to read your browser’s user guide.

Here you’ll find a few links for some of the most popular browsers: FirefoxChromeInternet ExplorerSafariEdge

For mobile devices, you can visit the following links: ChromeSafariWindows PhoneBlackberry

You can also specifically refuse to send information to Google Analytics by deactivating data collection in your browser. You’ll find all the necessary information on the following page:


  • if you access the Internet from several devices (e.g. work computer, home computer and smartphone), you must configure each device individually.
  • similarly, if you use several web browsers (e.g. Firefox and Chrome) on the same device, you must configure each of these browsers.

Your rights over your own data

You have the right to access, edit and delete all the data about you, and can exert this right at anytime by contacting us.

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